Skyrim destruction magic mod
Skyrim destruction magic mod

  • Edited/added a few loading screens as well.
  • Removed loads of spell school assignments from enchantments, they only caused issues and fail.
  • Crossbows appear on enemies (mediocre chance on bandits, high chance on soldiers).
  • New weapons distributed among enemies and blacksmiths.
  • Vendor inventory respawn time now 6 days.
  • skyrim destruction magic mod

  • Added a more potent Frostbite Venom, dropped by Giant Frostbite Spiders.
  • Dual-casting: now 200% cost and 220% magnitude.
  • Sneak attacks do 34% less damage if the target is looking for you.
  • Replaced "Fortify Lockpicking" enchantment with "Fortify Fingersmith".
  • Replaced "Fortify Pickpocket" enchantment with "Deadly Touch" (damage/ignore armor) and "Prism" (armor/resist magic).
  • Sound has a slightly reduced influence on sneaking success.
  • Movement has greater influence on sneaking.
  • Light has greater influence on sneaking.
  • Equipment weight has greater influence on sneaking.
  • More sneak experience gained from sneak attacks with bow.
  • Unarmed sneak damage multiplier increased to 圆.
  • Two-handed sneak damage multiplier increased to x3.
  • Dagger sneak damage multiplier increased to 圆.
  • New gameplay options such as slowing time after dagger sneak attacks, instantly killing sleeping targets, crafting utility arrows.
  • Allows for sneak attack with destruction spells.
  • Two perks for spellblades (empty hand/spell and a one-handed weapon).
  • Sub-tree for unarmed combat, which requires the unarmed 'weapon' that the Dragonborn receives at the beginning of a new game.
  • Greater variety in weaponry by adding katanas, tantos, scimitars, clubs, wakizashis, shortswords, shortspears, hatchets, mauls and longswords, on top of the vanilla mace, war axe and sword (now broadsword).
  • Removal of generic perks that apply to all one-handed weapons.
  • Survivalism Module: edits the survivalism tree so it becomes more compatible with Chesko's Frostfall.
  • skyrim destruction magic mod

    Encounter Zones: edits the difficulty of the encounter zones, so there are more difficult ones and less difficult ones.Enemy Scaling: edits enemies to be more challenging, realistic and smart.Standing Stones Module: edits the effects the stading stones have on the Dragonborn.Combat Module: edits the way combat works in Skyrim to make it more challenging and realistic.Race Module: edits the racial abilities and powers.Main Module: edits the perk-constellations as they appear in vanilla Skyrim and replaces, enhances or changes the already existing perks.

    Skyrim destruction magic mod